Part 67: Governor Boris and the Camp at Cacophony
Governor Boris and the Camp at Cacophony.Last time, Nerat asked us to go to one of the Act 2 locations but we deferred the decision to the internet. The vote is still open, by the way - I just had some more footage of misadventures at the Scarlet Chorus camp.

Specifically, a bunch of opportunities to adjudicate disputes! Because this entire camp is all about vaguely Darwinian principles exaggerated to a comedic extreme, they are fully willing to use the law to get one over on their ruthless rivals who will happily screw over the army in the long term to rule in the short term.
In this case, it's a conscription dispute.

Well, I don't know...we are in a civil war with the Disfavored, and we presumably need to fight them at some point.

It occurs to me there's no actual law about bribing a Fatebinder. It's something most players will assume is obviously corrupt, but to my knowledge Tunon says nothing about it, and there is a plausible argument to be made that it fits right in with Tunon's obsession with acting your station. The law explicitly has provisions for Archons to steal your wealth and labor, why not the Fatebinder?
It fits right in with the themes of privilege as a license for corruption this game is never hesitant to espouse.
Looking at the wiki it does piss off Tunon though.

Eb continues to be full of shit, as she quite happily bowed before Kyros as long as she got a relatively cushy assignment in Tunon's court.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: You know, we actually need soldiers to win this war, like those guys we have tied up over there.
: Yeah, but they might desert! We should kill them all!
: Y'all are stabbing each other, need an arbitrator?
: Hell yes, but if you agree with me I'll give you a fat stack of cash?
: Hmm...I kinda want to win the war, so let's use them as soldiers.
: Yay!
: It was very wrong to put those men in the service of a cruel monster like Nerat when they sought death, and I am qualified to judge as someone who is NOT selling out her homeland for a cushy position with Tunon.

This gentleman has a sidequest for us, which I am going to abridge the conversation to get right to.

Weirdly, we can legally do this per Tunon's instructions, because this entire system is one dysfunctional shitshow. I will probably show off this quest. Moving on!

The phrase "rent-rump", presumably referring to a prostitute, is jarring to me.

So, if you do this adjudication, don't make the mistake I did and be sure to confiscate anything from the Oldwalls. That gets you a Sigil.

Ugh, dialog is fine, you don't need the last sentence. It interrupts the tension with a dull description.

Of course, this entire thing is just a ploy to get more power by exploiting Kyros' laws. Wrathrot gets it.

I flub the screenshot, but I believe it's just Dirge calling Wrathrot on his bullshit.

I'm not sure why this is a lie - if Fatebinders can have people executed for wasting their time, wouldn't a false accusation be a perfect example?

Wait, are we going through with it? I'll be honest, I picked the dialog option as a bluff hoping to get Wrathrot to recant - that's what I thought [Lie] meant.
Lantry hates our cruelty, but also worked for Nerat on the down low preparing for the land to be conquered by... Nerat, a man who likes impaling people. No high ground here, buddy!
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Hey, Fatebinder! This man entered the Oldwalls!
: WHAT THE FUCK? Fatebinder, I did not, he's full of shit!
: Uh huh!
: Nuh uh! I just touched the outer wall with my butt!
: He totally went in Fatebinder, and you should make me the new gang leader!
: Hmm...the penalty for false accusations is death by impalement. You really wanna do this, buddy?
: Please, have mercy!
: Dude, Boris, what the fuck?
: I thought I was bl- fuck it, death.

This better not be a new scheme to become the cool new gang leader.

Barik is still pissy because we didn't side with Graven Ashe.

This is the last adjudication of the update, I swear.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Fatebinder, can you help us? We murdered our gang leader because he was an abusive ass but we can't decide how to divvy up the loot.
: Uh, sure, how did it go down?
: We all contributed to an elaborate heist/murder plot where we got him drunk, naked, and murdered his ass.
: Who's the new gang leader?
: Requiem. She rules!
: Just split it four ways, guys.
: No! I'm poor now!
: Hard work: it makes you stronk!
There you have it, a short smattering of life in the Chorus. It's a land of contrasts - our first case is about precisely how vicious to be, our second is a clear power play "abusing" the law, and the last shows that even in this horrorshow you can find trust and friendship. Not too much to say today, so anyone who hasn't voted on the next area go ahead and vote, and we'll get into Act II proper next update!